ukeStroud is a friendly group of people who like to have fun playing the ukulele. We started a spin-off from the UkeGlos group in Cheltenham.
We meet on the 1st, 3rd & 5th* Thursday of the month at 8 pm for two hours of music.
(*If there is one in the month)
Cost is £2.00 including tea/coffee and biscuits.
Our meeting place is the Village Hall at Pitchcombe. Not always easy to find but worth it when you get there. To make it easy for you we have provided a map and directions.
ukeStroud has players of all ages and abilities.
Newcomers are always made welcome, especially beginners.
If you are uke curious but never given it a go, then come along and we will lend you a uke for the evening, teach you the basics and get you started.
In addition we now also have:
Tuesday Ukulele Sessions
We meet every Tuesday at the Kings Head, King’s Stanley, from 7:15 to 9 pm, in the coffee bar of the Kings Head.
The idea is to practice a few songs, this can be songs with difficult chord changes or strumming pattern, or just simply trying to improve a given song.
Each session we hope someone will bring along a new song to try or an existing song that they like or need to practice.
The evening is very informal, it’s not a club or workshop or lessons, just getting together to share ideas and techniques.